Dr. Leon M. Steenkamp

More about Dr. Steenkamp


Being involved in Counselling (Clinical Pastoral Therapy) since 1981, Dr. Steenkamp has the qualifications and qualities, as well as the experience and expertise to render services of high standard.

He is practicing from his rooms in Port Elizabeth and Jeffreys Bay, and also conducts courses and seminars relating to Quality of Life, as well as business consultations and mediation.

   Fields of Interest

Clinical-Pastoral Counselling, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Life Quality, Mediation, Relationships.


PhD Clinical Pastoral Therapy (UOFS), MTh Clinical Pastoral (US), Hons Psychology (UNISA), Diploma in Mediation (Oxford College, London).

Meer oor Dr. Steenkamp


Dr. Steenkamp is al sedert 1981 betrokke by berading (klinies-pastorale terapie) en het die kwalifikasies en karaktereienskappe, asook die ervaring en deskundigheid om dienste van hoë gehalte te lewer.

Sy praktyk word vanaf sy spreekkamers in Port Elizabeth en Jeffreysbaai bedryf en hy bied seminare en kursusse verwant aan lewenskwaliteit en fasiliteer besigiheidskonsultasies en bemiddelingsessies.


Klinies-pastorale berading, kognitiewe gedragsterapie, lewenskwaliteit, bemiddeling en verhoudings.


PhD in Klinies-pastorale Terapie (UOVS), MTh in Kliniese Pastoraat (US), Honneurs in Sielkunde (UNISA), Diploma in Bemiddeling (Oxford College, London).

   Mediation / Mediasie (Bemiddeling)

   Consultations / Konsultasies

  MBTI (Meyer-Briggs Type Indicator) / MBTI (Meyer-Briggs) – Persoonlikheidstoets

  Seminars / Seminare:

  Quality of life / Lewenskwaliteit

  Motivation / Motivering

  Effective use of time / Effektiewe tydsbenutting

  Goal setting / Doelwitstelling

  Utilising potential / Ontwikkeling van potensiaal

  Leadership development / Leierskapsontwikkeling



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