Weddings & Marriages

Troues en Huwelike

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Dr. Leon Steenkamp has been a registered Marriage Officer with the Department of Home Affairs for over 30 years and conducted christian and civil weddings all over this beautiful country of ours – North & South, East & West, in Afrikaans or English.

The wedding is YOURS and therefore it will be specially prepared for you as the wedding couple! Your needs will be a priority to accommodate in a formal or informal manner. Care, love and humour will always be part of this special occasion.

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Dr. Leon Steenkamp wat deur die Departement van Binnelandse Sake aangestel is, bevestig al vir meer as 30 jaar huwelike oor die hele land – Noord & Suid, Oos & Wes, in Afrikaans en Engels, christelik en sekulêr.

Dit is hoë prioriteit om elke paartjie se spesiale dag vir hulle spesiaal te maak – persoonlik en toepaslik. Omgee, liefde en humor sal altyd deel wees van hierdie spesiale geleentheid.

Visit our Webpage on SA Weddings.

Besoek ons Webblad op SA Weddings.


Official marriage officer at Shamwari Private Game Reserve.

Amptelike huweliksbeampte by Shamwari Private Game Reserve.